Resources for the Voice referendum

Australians will head to the polls on October 14th, just a matter of weeks away to vote in a referendum that’s been 65,000 years in the making. We will be asked to listen to Indigenous Australians, recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture, and protect their voices in Australia’s 122 year old constitution.

The calling of the Referendum in June 2023, to recognise the First Nations Australians in the Constitution through the creation of a First Nations Voice to Parliament is a historic opportunity to create a better future for our country.



Since the Uluru Statement from the Heart was launched in 2017, the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education has worked to raise awareness about the invitation of First nations people “to walk with them in a movement of the Australian people for a better future”

To assist our supporters in understanding the proposal we produced and circulated the Resource Kit “Preparing FOR THE VOICE “- an introduction to the upcoming Referendum   



This provides information about what the Voice is; How a referendum works; the proposition to change the Constitution; the Uluru Statement from the Heart; and links to resources.

Support for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament has grown into a powerful movement of over 30,000 volunteers – one of the biggest grassroots movements Australia has ever seen. 

As the referendum gets closer and momentum builds, now is the time to come together and show our support for recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the constitution through a Voice to Parliament.



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