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Refugees and People Seeking Asylum

The Edmund Rice Centre works to improve the conditions and treatment of refugees and people seeking asylum by advocating for compassionate policy reform nationally and internationally. We do this through running campaigns, lobbying policy makers and raising awareness through community education initiatives.  We also work to overcome negative community attitudes towards refugees and people seeking asylum via hosting events, speaking at forums and producing submissions for government and other enquiries in Australia, as well as through international processes, including the UN Human Rights Council (through Edmund Rice International who has ECOSOC status at the United Nations).

The Centre is also used as a consultation hub for visiting UN Special Rapporteurs such as the Rapporteur for Iran Javid Rahmen (pictured) who undertook consultations with members of the Iranian community Australia during his visit in 2023.

Examples of programs previously provided through the Edmund Rice Centre include the Know Your Rights Workshops, the pro-bono legal and migration assistance to asylum seekers as part of our Asylum Seeker Advice  Project  and our empowerment and mentoring projects. Some of these may in future be provided as part of Edmund Rice Community Services.










Events, Webinars 

Some examples of recent events, webinars and podcasts the Centre has been involved include:


To be informed of upcoming webinars and other events click here


Research, Submissions, Publications and Podcasts

Examples of our research and publications include:

An example of a recent submission:

To see all the Centre's research, submissions and past publications go here.



We can only continue this work with your support. To donate to support our work, please visit our donation page.