Iraq Now Panel Discussion

The Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education (ERC) in partnership with the Iraqi Australian University Graduates Forum (IAUGF) are planning to organise Iraq Now Panel Discussion to reflect on the current situation of human rights in Iraq. The panel aims to raiseawareness about Iraq’s current security situation, human rights challenges, minority issues, political instability, refugee rights and returnee difficulties.

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

First Sunday in Lent March 1st, 2020

Today we return to our origins and remember who we are, how we are meant to be, and how the story has changed. Where life was meant to be shared [Genesis], God's word was perverted and God’s image in people (others and ourselves) was disfigured and maimed. The readings are very contemporary: about our lives and inconsistencies, of struggles to be faithful, of broken relationships, of the search for wisdom, the fullness of life, of a meaningful relationship with God and one another that embraces a compassionate responsibility for every living being.

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

Seventh Sunday of the Year February 23rd, 2020

Clint Eastwood’s 1992 movie Unforgiven, like many others, saw revenge being perpetrated on ‘evil’ people because ‘they have it coming.’ Who do we see as an enemy? Is it the neighbour whose cigarette smoke drifts into our yard or throws weeds across the fence? Is it the person with an astonishingly low level of self-awareness, humility, or restraint? Is it the one in power whose racist and misogynist rhetoric threatens vulnerable people? The identity of an enemy can be blatantly clear or very subtle.

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