Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

21st Sunday of the Year

Our call is to be in relationship – to encounter the God who is at the heart of the universe through Jesus. This relationship involves being in solidarity with God's chosen ones: the least among the people. When we choose God we also choose those who are precious to God. This can be difficult when we witness or even experience situations of cruel violence and the destruction of innocent life. The choice involves an ongoing recommitment to the God who has and continues to liberate and be a source of life for us as we deal with seemingly endless situations of injustice.

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Urgent Call from ERC Director to Contact Federal MPs to Help Afghan Refugees

Dear Friends

The latest news and images from Kabul are horrendous and deeply distressing to Afghan refugees who are here on Temporary Protection Visas or in immigration detention. 

I know that the feelings of powerlessness we can experience in such situations can be overwhelming.  However the reality is that you can take powerful and compassionate action NOW to help Afghan refugees and their families.

Please contact your Federal MP, asking them to urge the Morrison Government to:

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This May Be Our Final Warning

Released tonight, a devastating new report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that the world is running out of time to avert 1.5 degree warming, a rise in temperature that would bring catastrophic changes to the world as we know it.

Already, the Pacific is at the forefront of these changes.  Tragically, Australia is ranked last for climate action amongst United Nations members. By refusing to reduce climate pollution, our government is directly threatening the lives, livelihoods and cultures of our Pacific neighbours.

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