The Troika of Indigenous Peoples'

ERC Director Alopi Latukefu moderated an important event in Baku as part of COP29. Click here to hear Indigenous peoples from the Amazon, the Pacific, and Australia discuss the idea of an Indigena Troika process in the lead-up to COP 30 and COP 31. 

Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

33rd Sunday of the Year

In a recent article, (‘Billionaires and lobbyists have seized control of our national narrative’, Sydney Morning Herald, October 30, 2024), author, Tim Winton wrote that people are fed up with the cosy paralysis of those in power in the face of the gravity of the climate emergency. They only get excuses and time wasting when we need action. The dominant narrative of our day is selfish and self-destructive as we are told stories urging us to pursue endless consumption and pitiless competition powered by the fuels that are killing the world. It is irrational, unscientific and immoral. We need a new and honest narrative about the fragility of our biosphere and our dependence on it to flourish and live decently and justly. It is a story that prioritises empathy and solidarity over individualism and ruthlessness. It is in our hands!

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A history of Pacific climate advocacy- In conversation with Dr Wes Morgan

In this webinar, Edmund Rice Centre Senior Manager Advocacy and Research Corinne Fagueret speaks about the history of Pacific climate advocacy with Dr Wesley Morgan, a research associate with the Institute for Climate Risk & Response at UNSW who has written widely on climate change and international relations in the Pacific islands. Dr Morgan has over a decade’s experience living and working in the Pacific islands, where he worked as Pacific Policy Advisor with Oxfam, and taught postgraduate courses in diplomacy at the University of the South Pacific. Dr Morgan is also a fellow at the Climate Council and a research fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute (Griffith University).

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