Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Sixth Sunday of the Year

It can seem as if people are speaking different languages when arguing about what is entailed in being a follower of Jesus. Fr Brian Stoney often asked: do you want to be good or be a follower of Jesus. For many, life needs to be rule based, conforming and top down that preserves a status quo. Others take a Jesus-centred, heart-centred approach of mercy and compassion in the midst of mistakes and growth. 

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Fifth Sunday of the Year

God’s vision is revealed in hidden and unexpected places. We are among the unexpected where God’s vision is unveiled. Jesus continually takes us back to the roots of true religion, our true connection with God which has implications for our engagement/encounter with people and creation. Having lifted up the mostly unlikely people represented as the poor in spirit, the meek and the merciful, those who mourn and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and the persecuted – we see that living the Beatitudes means being ‘salt of the earth’ and ‘light of the world for the transformation of the earth.

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26th January: A Day of Reflection – not Celebration

On 26th January 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip raised the Union Jack and proclaimed British sovereignty over the eastern part of the Australian continent. What historically started as a day to celebrate the founding of the British colony of New South Wales, January 26th has now become a day when many Australians celebrate national identity and unity.

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