Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Twenty Fourth Sunday of the Year

All of us need to forgive and receive forgiveness. Forgiveness is undoubtedly complex and arduous. We can get caught when we believe forgiving another minimises our suffering or that of another. Whether an injury was big or small, intended or unintended, addressed or ignored by the other person(s), we need to take the forgiveness journey.

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Join Walk for Yes for a better Australia

Join thousands of Australians across the country walking together for a better future at WALK FOR YES, a national event led by Yes23 next weekend (September 16 & 17).

Show up and show your support for the First Nations Voice to Parliament! Find out more online at https://www.yes23.com.au/walk_for_yes

Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Twenty Third Sunday of the Year

Scripture relentlessly reminds us of God’s passionate love for us and of our love for one another, and of our interconnectedness with all people and creation. Yet, with ever increasing polarisation, the space for dialogue, understanding and cooperation for the common good diminishes. Today, we are exhorted to deal with division, restore unity and build mutual understanding, care, and solidarity amongst us. God called Ezekiel to speak out, in an environment where there was little concern for the poor, with a challenging message to those in power. And he calls us to look at ourselves, discover uncomfortable truths that we hide behind, question the status quo, and challenge whatever obstructs God’s plan for humanity. We are called to be our brothers’/sisters’ keepers; to be the voice for the voiceless; and defend the vulnerable.

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