Reflections from Fr Claude

Second Sunday of Lent

In today’s transfiguration stories we are taken to high places - places of dreams and visions. In revelations there is testing where our sight is restrained, and horizons limited.  In Genesis, Abraham was adhering to the ancient Mesopotamian cultural requirement where firstborn sons and flock were sacrificed, but there was a moment of revelation in discovering that God rejects child/human sacrifice. Abraham listened to the God of life, peace and nonviolence, who not wanting death but life, said ‘stop.’ We see here the declaration that the God of life never requires human sacrifice.

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National Apology Day

On this day sixteen years ago then Prime Minister Hon. Kevin Rudd delivered a national apology to the stolen generations. This moment was historic and profoundly touching not only for members of the stolen generations but for all Australians as the nation publicly acknowledged our hidden and painful past.
Since then, however, progress has been painfully slow and today comes with mixed emotions for many First Nations men and women across this land. The defeat of The Voice Referendum and, more recently, the release of a report highlighting the slow progress of Closing the Gap policies, should weigh heavily on all Australians. Disadvantage and lack of progress against the basic measures of the Closing The Gap strategy is not only a failure of policy but a stain on our record as a nation. We stand in solidarity with our First Nations brothers and sisters on this important day and hope that we can learn from our past to build a better future.

Reflections from Fr Claude

First Sunday of Lent

Today we find rich symbols of God's presence and care for the earth and all upon it. The ‘bow in the clouds’ signifies God's covenant of peace with all creation. The Noah myth also depicts a God who desires the flourishing of life on Earth. This story is one of re-creation where things are put together again by healing and reconciliation. The hovering ‘dove’ bids us come ashore in peace; to cease from our forgetfulness; to end the violence - whether in our bedrooms, workplaces, community, nation, or between nations.

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