First Nations Voice becomes a reality in South Australia

The Government of South Australia committed to implementing the Uluru Statement from the Heart - Voice, Treaty and Truth - commencing with the South Australian First Nations Voice to Parliament. In what was a historic moment, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in South Australia were recently able to vote for their Local First Nations Voice representative. Elected representatives will sit on the SA First Nations Voice and will be a direct and independent line of communication for First Nations people to South Australia's Parliament and the government. 

Video Source: Attorney-General's Department SA

Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

There is nothing remote about Jesus’ resurrection. He comes among us in concrete ways – through flesh and blood and touch. It is bodily. God cares about our bodies and our planet - especially those bearing wounds and scars. Where flesh and bone do not convince, Jesus asks for food. At the heart of the Christian story is the claim that God’s love is expressed in the most intimate way possible - by becoming one of us. By being embedded in the human, God is always present wherever we are – present in us. It is also how God gets into the world. God revels in physicality and it is through our bodies that we express our faith. In all his resurrection appearances, Jesus shows the scars that mar his body.

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Conversation with Rev James Bhagwan: Climate and Faith in the Pacific

In this webinar, Reverend James Bhagwan, General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches, explored the role of faith and church in the climate crisis.  Reverend Bhagwan joined us as part of his stay in Australia for the Epeli Hau'ofa Annual Public Lecture co-hosted this year by the Edmund Rice Centre, the Australian Association for Pacific Studies (AAPS) and the Australian Museum.

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