COP26 wins/losses and implications for future Pacific climate advocacy

COP26 is now over and we all want to know what was achieved and where to from here for our beautiful Pacific region. Facilitated by ERC Director Phil Glendenning, this webinar was an opportunity to hear directly from a number of Pacific Islander COP26 delegates, including Mr Maina Talia (Tuvalu Climate Action Network), Ms Iemaima Vaai (Pacific Conference of Churches) and Mr Lavetanalagi Seru (Pacific Islands Climate Action Network), as well as lead Fiji COP26 Negotiator on loss and damage Ms Siobhan McDonnell.

Climate emergency in the Pacific and how Australians should respond

On the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical, Pacific Calling Partnership and Edmund Rice Centre held a special Zoom webinar on the climate emergency in the Pacific and how Australians should respond.

The conversation with Bishop Vincent Long (Bishop of Parramatta) and His Excellency Anote Tong (former President of Kiribati) was facilitated by Jan Barnett rsj.

Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

The Feast of the Baptism of Jesus – God’s manifestation in Jesus and ourselves

Each of us is a unique creation with intricate gifts and abilities. While we were given those gifts at birth along the way we lose confidence in some of these gifts and begin to live our lives we were not meant to. Life’s difficulties can come in many forms: illness, loss, prejudice and pain which make their unique impact on our lives. In the gospel today, Jesus emerges from the water where a voice declares, ‘You are my Son, chosen and marked by my love, pride of my life.’ (Message Bible).

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