Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Thirty First Sunday of the Year

Matthew’s gospel begins and ends with the revelation that Jesus is ‘God with us’ (1:23-24) and will be with us until the end of time (28:20). This presence is also a call to be a life-giving presence to others in our little corner of the world. Religious leaders are being addressed by Malachi and Matthew for their shortcomings, for failing to facilitate the right understanding of divine teaching in the context of their times. This still occurs as so many people today seem to be excluded from a formation to think critically and have not been supported and accompanied in the challenges they face.

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Twenty one people benefited from the newly introduced Tamil Community Legal Empowerment Course

The Edmund Rice Centre is committed to remove barriers for our communities and deliver accessible programs. On 31 Oct 2023, we commenced a highly successful program for our Tamil Community in Toongabbie NSW. The program was conducted with Tamil interpretation in order to make it linguistically accessible for those who have language barrier. 21 people benefited from the session. The following topics were covered about Australia's Legal System in this session: 

  1. The separation of powers between the three arms of government
  2. Referendum as the mechanism to amend the constitution
  3. Constitutional law versus statutory law
  4. Federal law versus State and Territory law
  5. The hierarchy of courts in Australia
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Edmund Rice Centre will continue to walk towards justice alongside our First Nations brothers and sisters

Since First Nations leaders called for a post-Referendum week of silence on 15 October, we, along with many like-minded organisations and individuals around Australia, have heeded this call and felt the pain and disappointment of our Indigenous brothers and sisters who fought so hard for a Yes outcome. As we emerge from this week of reflection and lamentation we have a responsibility to stand in solidarity with, and support, them.

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