Release of “Nauru Files” is further evidence that offshore detention is unsustainable – we need a better way

Following the release by The Guardian of over 2,000 documents outlining reports of abuse, neglect and self-harm on Nauru, the Edmund Rice Centre is calling for a bipartisan response to resolve the crisis in Australia’s offshore detention system. 

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Poisoning the heart of our home - dumping the world's nuclear waste

Our planet is deeply burdened as it harbours 390,000 tonnes of high level nuclear waste produced by nuclear reactors and weapons programs over the past 70 years. Spent nuclear fuel, one of the most dangerous materials on earth, is stored underwater in numerous cooling ponds throughout the world.


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From Just War to Just Peace

Though our world is studded by acts of violence and conflict from the Middle East to West Papua, from the Philippines to parts of Latin America and Sri Lanka to Africa, people remain convinced that the default position of responding to violence with more violence is unviable and ineffective. It is not in accord with being a follower of Jesus, who incarnates the God of Peace.


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