Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

26th Sunday of the Year

Wherever we look, we see and experience inequity and injustice motivated by greed for land, money, and resources. It happens in Australia and in the Philippines, and in the Amazon region, it often leads to impoverishment, displacement and death for peasants and Indigenous people. We also face a scary future with between 30-50% of all species heading for extinction by the middle of this century and 99% currently threatened species are at risk from human activities.

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PCP MEDIA RELEASE - Friday 18th September 2020

Pacific climate voice in Vatican - ERC applauds Australian Embassy

Human rights organisation, the Edmund Rice Centre, has applauded statements made by Australia's new Ambassador to the Vatican, Chiara Porro, who is supporting calls from Catholic leaders in Oceania for a Synod for the Pacific region.

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Care for our common home

Care for our Common Home - Laudato Si' Webinar

A conversation about how we can participate in shaping the future of the planet. The Chevalier Institute invites you to a webinar conversation – “How does the Pope’s letter, Laudato Si’, deepen and add to our understanding of ecological issues and our capacity to live our spirituality more faithfully?”. The webinar will include input from six key speakers as well as students from our MSC colleges and parishes.



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