Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude
Tenth Sunday of the Year
This week’s readings are about matters of the heart – but if we need a soft and cuddly Jesus, or one to affirm our sense of order, or our spiritual comfort zones, today’s gospel reading might not be useful. Jesus confronted so-called ‘unholy’ and ‘unclean’ spirits that can twist the human heart and crowd out what is good and spacious in life. Jesus challenged the old ways and was accused of blasphemy. Imagine telling desperate people that their sins were forgiven. Imagine encouraging people to abandon traditional ways of thinking about God and embrace their own experiences.
Read moreWe honour the memory and achievements of Eddie Koiki Mabo
Today, 3 June, is Mabo Day and we honour the memory and achievements of the great Australian and Torres Strait Islander Eddie Koiki Mabo. It is because of Eddie Mabo's commitment to justice and land rights that the Australian legal system finally reversed the myth of "Terra Nullius" or land belonging to no-one. This myth was first instigated by Captain Cook as a way of claiming the land now known as Australia for the benefit of Great Britain. Thank you Eddie Mabo for speaking truth to power. Click here to know who was Eddie Mabo & what is his legacy.
Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude
The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
Pope Francis often returns to the theme of solidarity in recognition that we siblings and children of God. This recognition includes the responsibility to live in in solidarity with rich and poor - and caring for each other. As Jesus gives us the bread, his body, we experience ‘God's solidarity’ with humanity. Our celebration can become so routine that we fail to hear the call of the Gospel to engage and commune with our suffering sisters and brothers.
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