STATEMENT from Phil Glendenning, Director of the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education

Dear Friends,

As some you may have already heard, after nearly 27 years in the role, I am resigning as Director of the Edmund Rice Centre. My last day will be January 31.

Next year, from early February to June 30, I will be working part-time on special projects for the Centre before taking a break and then commencing private consultancy work in 2024.

It has been an honour and a privilege to work with Edmund Rice Centre for the past quarter of a century and a bit, but now is the right time for me to step back.

My thanks to our Chair Dr Mick Bezzina and the ERC Council, our Deputy Director Sr Daphne McKeough and our magnificent staff team, volunteers, partners, schools, the Christian Brothers, Andree Brown and Edmund Rice Community Services, and our wonderful donors and supporters. Thanks for all the wisdom, solidarity, and when required, much needed humour! Special thanks to my PA, Carmel Clark, for her selfless commitment and support - and organisation! 

Thanks also to my family for all their support and love (and putting up with me) over these many years.

Finally, and most importantly, to the people we work with - especially First Nations people, refugees and people seeking asylum, and the peoples of the Pacific (particularly in Kiribati and Tuvalu), thank you for showing how, despite great difficulties, it is still possible to live on this planet like a human being.

I have received far more than I have ever given. 

The work of justice goes on however, and the struggle continues, as it should.

So, I am delighted that Mr Alopi Latukefu will commence work as the new Director on February 1, 2023. He will do a great job.

I wish Alopi and the team all the best as they take Edmund Rice Centre forward to bigger and better things in the years ahead.

Best wishes to all,


Phil Glendenning AM

November 21, 2022


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