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Free Webinar: In conversation with Pastor Ray Minniecon

To mark Reconciliation Week 2024, you are warmly invited to join us for a conversation with Pastor Ray Minniecon, whom we are very honoured to welcome as a new member of our Edmund Rice Centre Advisory Committee. Pastor Ray's presentation will seek to address the following: "Post-Referendum, the vision and leadership from our political and religious institutions appears to be completely eradicated for Indigenous peoples' future aspirations. We were hoping for recognition, respect and honour of our unique God-given identity as the original custodians of our lands and territories. We are now feeling dejected and unworthy to live with dignity and honour in our own country and communities. It seem like Our leadership politically, socially, spiritually and mentally has been muted. It will take years to recover.  We now have no vision and no leadership. Just dismay and anger bleak future. Where to now? What are the new barriers to true reconciliation?"

The event is free but registrations are essential - please CLICK HERE FOR RSVP.

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