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Pages tagged "asylum seekers"

Asylum Seeker Advice Project

What's the problem?

A fair refugee status determination system is critical to making sure Australia does not return asylum seekers to places where they are at risk of persecution. But many asylum seekers face complex legal and bureaucratic processes. They often cannot afford to pay migration agents or lawyers to assist them and access to the Government's assistance program has been all but removed. While there are a number of organisations that provide assistance, not all do so on a pro-bono basis and many are highly selective.

What are we doing about it

The Edmund Rice Centre is providing pro-bono legal and migration assistance to asylum seekers and refugees. This assistance goes through all levels of the legal system - from Tribunals to the High Court. We also provide asylum seekers with a mechanism to defend their rights before the United Nations.

We are currently assisting 300 people with their protection visa applications, as well as 1700 people who had their personal details published online by the Department of Immigration.

If you need assistance, or are aware of someone who does, please contact the Centre on (02) 8762 4200.