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Settlement Experience Research

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Settlement Experience of Syrian and Iraqi Refugees: Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward

After a pilot community evaluation project in 2017 in which the settlement needs and challenges of newly arrived Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Sydney were evaluated, the Edmund Rice Centre launched the “Syrian and Iraqi Refugee Settlement Experience Research” in 2018. The research investigates the settlement experience of Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Sydney, specifically the gap between what is currently provided and what is needed to achieve positive well-being outcomes for refugee settling in Australia.

The research’s primary focus is to enhance policy development, settlement service provision, and consequently the settlement experience of new arrivals in Australia. The research is conducted by the Edmund Rice Centre in partnership with university affiliated academics and independent researchers who all hold post-graduate qualifications in related fields of international relations, international development and/or have experience working with refugees and humanitarian entrants in Australia and with people affected by conflict in Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.

While the research is still ongoing and haven’t been completed yet, the overall outcomes of the research have been:

  • 20 Syrian and Iraqi refugees, 10 community leaders from Syria and Iraq, 10 representatives from community groups and associations and 10 key informants form government agencies, non-governmental service providers and research institutions have been contacted and interviewed for the research.
  • The interviews with various stakeholders and community partners have helped us understand some of the major challenges faced by newly arrived refugees from Syria and Iraq in their settlement journey in Australia.
  • The outcome of the research will be articulated in the form of a comprehensive report, including relevant recommendations to the wider Australian community, the Australian government and non-governmental service providers to improve settlement services and humanitarian programs for new and future refugees and humanitarian entrants.
  • Productive working collaborations and effective relationships have been built with two independent researchers and three academics from the Australian Catholic University, University of Technology Sydney and the University of New South Wales. These collaborations woul likely to continue in future in the forms of implementing new research, advocacy and community empowerment projects.     

Productive working collaborations and effective relationships have been built with two independent researchers and three academics from the Australian Catholic University, University of Technology Sydney and the University of New South Wales. These collaborations woul likely to continue in future in the forms of implementing new research, advocacy and community empowerment projects.   


Refugee Empowerment - Research Project

Research Participants Needed For Syrian and Iraqi Refugee Settlement Experience

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Would you like to share your settlement and integration experience in Sydney and contribute to improving support for refugees and migrants?

PARTICIPANTS: We are looking for individuals from the Syrian and Iraqi refugee communities in Sydney who arrived during the past five years.

RESEARCH PROJECT: Our research aims to reflect on the settlement experience of newly-arrived Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Sydney. In doing so, we would like to inform relevant stakeholders, including governmental and non-governmental service providers about the opportunities, challenges and difficulties of settlement of Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

BENEFITS: Refugees’ and migrants’ journeys are full of challenges for both the newly arrived, the communities where they settle, and those providing settlement support. This project is an excellent opportunity to share your settlement experience and make your voice heard. Your participation in the project will help the research team to identify and understand how you can be better supported in this part of your journey. The outcomes of this research could be used to advocate for filling the gaps in service delivery to refugees, including Syrian and Iraqi refugees. The research outcomes could also contribute to the improvement of settlement, employment and education services for all refugees in Sydney.

QUESTIONS: You will be asked to share your settlement and integration experience, including your experience of accessing services in the areas of pre-departure experience, immediate settlement, long-term integration, employment support and education opportunities. If you choose to participate you will not be identified in any way from what you tell us.

DURATION: Your interview will take approximately 60 minutes. Interviews will be conducted at the Edmund Rice Centre, a public library, or on the premises of one of four schools: Patrician Brothers’ College Fairfield, Mary Immaculate Primary School, St Gertrude's Catholic Primary School, and All Saints Primary Liverpool.

RESEARCH TEAM? The research will be conducted by the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education (ERC) under the project leadership of Mr Farhad Arian, Senior Research Officer at ERC. ERC is a nongovernment research and advocacy organisation working with those made poor, to promote liberation from poverty and injustice and to work for change in order to enable a world where the fullness of life is realised. The ERC’s vision is of a just world where right relationships ensure that human rights are protected and promoted and social and environmental justice is a reality. ERC works to promote, protect and defend human rights, social justice and eco-justice through research, community education, advocacy and partnerships. The members of the ERC team of researchers all hold post-graduate qualifications in related fields of study (international relations, international development) and/or have experience working with refugees in Australia, and with people affected by conflict in Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. The team members are: Mr Farhad Arian, Chief Investigator and Project Manager; Dr Shashi Sharma; Dr Donna Vaughan; Dr Mary Venner; and Ms Monica Vaughan.

CONTACT: If you would like to participate in this research, please contact

Mr Farhad Arian

Research Office and Project Manager

Phone: 02 8762 4207 or 02 8762 4200

Email: [email protected]  

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