Climate Change

Climate Change

Want to know the basics about what is climate change? This information sheet is for you.

Climate Change

Heritage of the Pacific Islands and Climate Change

Heritage of the Pacific Islands and Climate Change

Want to learn more about what is considered heritage in the Pacific Islands and how heritage might be affected by the impacts of climate change? This information sheet delves into the meaning and nature of heritage for Pacific Islanders and why access to Pacific Islander cultural and natural heritage is being threatened by climate impacts.

Heritage of the Pacific Islands and Climate Change

Sorting fact from fiction: The habitability of Tuvalu and other low-lying islands

Certain media commentators have promoted the myth that Tuvalu will remain habitable and that Pacific climate activists are 'deniers of the evidence'. Find out how to explain their misunderstanding of the research and the science.



Want to learn more about a nation living at the forefront of Climate Change? This resource gives you a look at life in Tuvalu, and the increasingly dangerous impacts Climate Change has on its people.


Owning Adaptation in the Pacific

Interested in how Pacific Island nations are adapting to the dangerous effects of Climate Change? This Oxfam research report discusses how we can strengthen the governance of Climate Change finance to help Pacific Islanders better adapt to their changing environments.



Want to learn more about one of the Pacific's most valuable resources and means of protection? This information sheet explains the importance of Mangroves, the plants with the ability to provide for Pacific Islanders and protect their shorelines.



Want to learn more about one of the most vulnerable nations to the effects of Climate Change? This resource gives you a look at life in the low-lying island nation of Kiribati, and the increasingly dangerous impacts Climate Change has on its people.


Denial vs. Science

Feeling confused about what the science really says? This resource compares arguments in denial of Climate Change with the science to discredit each of them.


Climate Finance

Curious about whether Australia is doing enough to support our neighbors in the Pacific? This resource explains why Australia's current financial assistance to these increasingly vulnerable nations is insufficient, and where improvements need to be made.


Clean Coal

Want to know more about "Clean Coal?" This resource from the Climate Council explains what this term means and why it isn't a solution to the climate crisis.


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