Care for our common home

Care for our Common Home - Laudato Si' Webinar

A conversation about how we can participate in shaping the future of the planet. The Chevalier Institute invites you to a webinar conversation – “How does the Pope’s letter, Laudato Si’, deepen and add to our understanding of ecological issues and our capacity to live our spirituality more faithfully?”. The webinar will include input from six key speakers as well as students from our MSC colleges and parishes.


Creation as God's Love Story - Chevalier Institute Webinar

Three short presentations with time for questions and reflections after each section. The Webinar explored the urgently needed wisdom and mandate for our times to live simply and be more attuned to both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor drawing on Laudato Si’ and Querida Amazonia.

ERC Refugee Mentoring Program


Sandreen is one of the young refugees we have been working with over the past two years as part of the Edmund Rice Centre's Refugee Mentoring Program.

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ERC Refugee Mentoring Program

Mirna Al-dawod

Mirna Al-dawod is one of the young refugees we have been working with over the past two years as part of the ERC's Refugee Mentoring Program.

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Creation as God’s love story - Webinar

An upcoming webinar is sponsored by the Chevalier Institute entitled: An exploration of Creation as God’s love story, with a particular focus on the call of Pope Francis for ecological conversion and the implications of that call on our lives both personally and communally.

Zoom Link: or go to and enter the webinar ID 899 7794 1083 (no password is required)

The Facebook event ID is

Click here to download the flyer of the webinar.

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