Wednesday 14 March 2017 - 9am-3pm - Santa Sabina College Hall, Sydney
An opportunity for people in the arts to present how themes of social justice, human rights and eco-justice in literature, music, song and art can powerfully raise awareness in society, and help build the skills and capacity for change.
This day is open to ALL who are concerned about social justice, human rights and eco-justice, and is appropriate to all people aged 15 through to adults.
You can book online here or by downloading and returning this form.
Presenters include:
- Mem Fox
- Melina Marchetta
- Dr Robin Morrow
- Patricia Genat
- Associate Professor Munjed Al Muderis
- Susanne Gervay
- Phil Glendenning
- Maria Tiimon Chi-Fang
- Mark Raue
- Louise Raue
- Joel Robards
You can read the presenters' biographies here.