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Contributions are tax deductible.

Non-tax deductible donations

You can make a non-tax deductible donation online by simply completing the online form on this page. 

Alternatively you can donate by: 

Donations by Cheque

Make your cheque payable to: Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education 

Please mail to: Edmund Rice Centre, LPO Pox 2219, Homebush West NSW 2140

Please include your name, contact details and address so we can issue you with a receipt. 

Donations by Bank Deposit or Electronic Transfer

To make a donation by EFT:

Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

BSB: 062 320

Account: 10391503

We would ask that the reference contains ERC and your 10 digit phone number (incl area code if applicable).

Once you have made the donation, please let us know that the deposit/transfer has been made, so that we can:

  • Follow up to make sure there has been no problem, 
  • Send you a letter of acknowledgement, and 
  • Send you your tax deductible receipt.

Phone (02) 8762 4200 or Email: [email protected]