Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Twelfth Sunday of the Year

Though the readings today leave us a bit uncomfortable, the main focus is Jesus revealing God’s love and care for us and every “strand” of creation as we are called beyond our fears, insecurities, and dark moments. He calls the disciples to embrace a vision of hope as opposed to fear.

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Eleventh Sunday of the Year

The proclamation of ‘Emmanuel — God-with-us’ and the words, ‘I am with you always to the end of the age’ (Mt 28:30) bookend Matthew’s Gospel of mercy and compassion. In June, we celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart – the love and compassion in the heart of God, and Pride in some places. We see in the Sacred Heart that God in Jesus loves and in events such as Pride we see who God loves.

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Body and Blood of Christ

Jesus was crucified because of the company he kept and the people he ate with. Eating together is a significant human activity. Stories and lives are shared. Relationships are renewed and strengthened. We are continually reminded that God is social, a God of relationship. Any spirituality or theology that disconnects us from the concerns of the world and contemporary social concerns should be dismissed.  And Eucharist begins and ends in a relationship. It reminds us that God is not a distant entity that we need to go out and find but is invested and incarnated in our lives.

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Trinity Sunday

Reflections for the Solemnity of the Trinity

A remnant from the Covid-19 pandemic are the markers on footpaths, outside cafes, pubs, restaurants, offices, and railway stations indicating where people had to distance ourselves from one another to prevent infection. Called ‘social distancing’ it would have been more appropriate to call it ’physical’ or ’spatial’ distancing. Social distancing suggests a distancing that is ‘heart’ related and has a violent connotation. It has been implemented against people considered unacceptable or nuisances such asylum seekers, people who are poor, homeless, unemployed, and sexually diverse. It justifies avoidance and neglect in different ways. 

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Pentecost Sunday

Fire Blessing

May the fire be in your thoughts

making them good and just

may it protect you from all harm

may the fire be in your eyes

may it open your eyes to see what is good in life

may it protect you from speaking against another.


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