The Edmund Rice Centre strongly condemns the firebombing of the Adass Israel Synagogue in Melbourne on the weekend, as we condemn the violence inflicted by Hamas on 7 October and the unspeakable acts of terror inflicted by the Israeli government on the Palestinian people. None of this is morally acceptable. None of this will lead to peace. As global violence expands in the Middle East and in our own country, the powerful call to work towards a ‘culture of encounter’ (a term coined by Pope Francis) is one that goes beyond the borders of our family, community and nation.
For a culture of encounter to develop it is necessary to not just see but also look; to not just hear but also to listen; to not just pass people by but be present with and to them; and to not look down on people who are different socially, ethnically, sexually, but to be moved with compassion.
This call for a ‘culture of encounter’ comes as more and more people seem to be living in a ‘culture of indifference’ to the plight and cry of, their sisters and brothers and to Mother Earth. This encounter means respecting each person with dignity, as sacred – even one who is deemed an enemy.
As we view genocide and disasters live on our screens we can become accustomed to being indifferent and seeing it as ‘it is what it is’, rather than seeing change as beginning with each of us through kindness, service and presence. This may need to begin at the heart of society, in the family, where often genuine encounter is lacking.
Of recent we have seen acts of violence against places of worship in Australia, and increasing partisan calls for support to one side of the conflict over another instead of a commitment to peace and social cohesion.
Now is the time for disarmed hearts and minds where disarmament, justice and peace are the norm and not the exception. Now is exactly the right time to reflect on why it is important for all of us as Australians to recognise and respect diversity and also work towards social cohesion, peace and goodwill in our country and the world.