Media Release: A Liveable Future and a Liveable Pacific means No New Fossil Fuels, says UN Report


With today's release by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of its latest report (and its last report for several years to come), the world’s science community has made itself very clear: to secure a liveable planet we must take bold and swift action that reduces emissions and we must stop digging up new fossil fuels. This has direct implications for the Federal Government's proposed Safeguard Mechanism legislation being debated in Parliament. 

Edmund Rice Centre (ERC) Director 'Alopi Latukefu said: "Rather than pursuing quixotic and compromised carbon offset measures we need Prime Minister Albanese and his Government to act now by stopping all new coal and gas projects; identifying ways of prioritising genuine emissions reduction by polluting companies; and limiting use of carbon offsets to meet the emission intensity cap set by the proposed Safeguard Mechanism."
Current policies across the world are projected to lead to 2.7°C or more global warming by 2100, and net-zero climate commitments would still produce warming of around 2.2°C.  This scenario would be catastrophic for Australia and across the Pacific. It would also mean the disappearance of small Pacific island nations such as Kiribati and Tuvalu, with others facing major challenges to cope with worsening climate impacts.  In turn, this could lead to significant population movements and major destabilisation of the region.

ERC Pacific Outreach Officer Maria Tiimon Chi-Fang said: As one of the largest exporters of coal and gas in the world, Australia is fuelling the climate catastrophe which my home country of Kiribati faces. The latest IPCC report is very clear in making the link between fossil fuels and catastrophic climate change. The Pacific region needs Australia to stand shoulder to shoulder with us and take urgent, decisive and ambitious policies to ensure our survival."

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