Submission in response to the "Strengthening the test for Australian Citizenship" discussion paper
This submission addresses the following components of the proposed citizenship changes:
- The introduction of a formal language test;
- Increasing the general residence requirement;
- Changes to the Australian Values Statement; and
- Changes to the test for Australian citizenship.
The Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education (ERC) is of the view that the proposed changes are unnecessary and we have serious concerns about the Federal Government’s motivations for the changes.
Australia's Humanitarian Programme 2017-18 - Submission to Department of Immigration and Border Protection
This submission provides recommendations to the following questions:
In the global context, there are large numbers of people in need of resettlement and limited places available in Australia. What should Australia’s priorities be for accepting refugees and humanitarian entrants, including those in protracted situations?
What can the Australian Government do to encourage involvement from the private, educational and community sectors to assist humanitarian entrants to secure stable employment and achieve self-sufficiency?
Another day - another attack on refugees by Peter Dutton
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has today launched yet another unfair and extreme attack on refugees and people seeking asylum.
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