Reports of more overseas aid cuts shows Government is out of step with most Australians

The Edmund Rice Centre has today expressed its grave concerns over reports that the Turnbull Government is considering a $400 million a year cut to the overseas aid budget. 

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Keynote address to Catholic Social Services Conference 2018

In late-February, ERC Director Phil Glendenning delivered the keynote speech to the Catholic Social Services Conference in Melbourne. Phil spoke about the deficit of leadership in Australian society, including in politics and the Catholic Church. He called for an honest and compassionate response by the Catholic Church to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which must include a fundamental shift in power relations. It is not good enough to say "yes terrible wrongs were committed, but the Catholic Church runs many schools, hospitals and social services". 

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Statement on Trade in Arms by Australia

A statement by Father Claude Mostowik msc, President Pax Christi Australia:

When Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull spoke of ‘Australian jobs, Australian ingenuity and Australian technology’ he announced that Australia wants to be among the 10 big arms manufacturers and traders in the world. It seemed like another version of the old mantra of ‘jobs and growth’. Jobs and growth great! But, we must ask at what cost? At what price?  

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