Reflections for 32nd Sunday of the Year November 10, 2019
Luke provides another encounter between Jesus and those who oppose him. We sense the deceit in the moment and an attempt at entrapment. The encounter begins with a question is about ‘resurrection.’ They are people who describe themselves being the ‘devil’s advocate’ in a discussion in which they have no belief or position. The ‘Sadducees’ here do not believe in the resurrection.
Read moreReflections for 31st Sunday of the Year November 3, 2019
The Wisdom reading debunks the harsh image people have of God. But, this God loves all that exists, and ‘holds nothing … abhorrence.’ God loves each person even those considered loathsome. What a difference it would make if could see each person and living things through the lens of God’s love - whether in terms of our criminal justice system; detaining innocent and vulnerable people in detention centres; providing proper services to the aged, people with mental illness or disabilities; the funding of armaments; and, allowing the big polluters of our environment continue!
Read moreReflections for 30th Sunday of the Year October 27, 2019
‘Faith is always supposed to make it harder, not easier, to ignore the plight of our sisters and brothers. (Robin R. Meyers Saving Jesus from the Church: How to Stop Worshiping Christ and Start Following Jesus, p. 165)’. Again, the scriptures reinforce God’s partiality toward ‘the oppressed...orphan...widow and the lowly.’
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