Reflections for Feast of the Reign of Christ – the Cosmic Christ – Heart of the Universe
God Almighty giver and sustainer of life,
For those whose homes are threatened by fire,
we ask your mercy.
For those whose lives are threatened by flames,
We pray your protection.
For those who have lost all their possessions,
We pray your comfort.
For those whose health is impaired by smoke,
We pray your healing.
Be with those who respond,
Keep safe firefighters, police and volunteers.
Make their efforts effective.
God in your mercy,
Hear our prayers.
Christine Sine
Read moreDirector of the Edmund Rice Centre, Phil Glendenning's open letter to the Prime Minister
As a result of the unprecedented nature of the bush fires that are being experienced throughout Australia, together with the extraordinary political debate that has been provoked by the fires, the Director of the Edmund Rice Centre, Phil Glendenning, has written an Open Letter to the Prime Minister. Please click here to read the open letter.
Reflections for 33rd Sunday of the Year November 17, 2019
Thirty years ago, six Jesuits, their cook, and her 15-year-old daughter were murdered at the University of Central America in San Salvador by Salvadoran government forces. These academics were killed for being outspoken advocates for the poor and suffering in a country wracked by years of violent civil war. Their concern was to work for a more just society according to the vision more recently expressed by Pope Francis of the Church as a field hospital for the wounded, a poor church for the poor. According to the gospel, we are reminded that our actions reveal our commitment to it which is ultimately the building of God’s upside-down Reign.
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