Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik
Solemnity of All Saints Day
Five years ago I had the good fortune to discover Nadia Bolz-Weber and her book, Accidental Saints: Finding God in all the Wrong People, a collection of stories how flawed and broken and failing people can catch the light of grace and the beauty of God. The ‘saints’ she lives and worships with are the awkward parishioner with the bad breath and baggy pants she avoided at her church, the pink-haired teenager she sat beside on a plane ride to a Lutheran youth gathering, the bishop she pastored through the death of his wife who later killed a woman whilst driving drunk. These people remind her of the people Jesus surrounded himself.
Read moreRefugee Participants Employment Experience Study
Would you like to share your employment experience and contribute to improving support for refugees and humanitarian entrants in Australia? We are looking for individuals from Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan and Iranian refugee communities in Sydney and Melbourne who have arrived in Australia during the past 10 years. If you choose to participate in this research, your contribution will be anonymous, and you will not be identified in any way in the final research report.
Please click the links to download the Refugee Participants Employment Experience Study Flyers in English, Arabic, or Farsi and Dari.
Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik
Thirtieth Sunday of the Year
In Matthew’s Gospel, at the intersection of two approaches to law, Jesus boldly faces the lawyers out to trip him up by reducing all 613 commandments in Israelite law to one word: love. It must have been a shock to have studies, argued, made applications and even nit-picked to have these 613 commandments reduced to one word and move God's law from a courtroom setting to the street of practical living.
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