Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

Twenty First Sunday of the Year

Jesus rarely gives straight answers to questions posed to him. Today is no exception. Though the question, ‘Will only a few people be saved?’ seems straightforward, the question seems to be about personal inclusion in the final headcount rather than as a concern for others. Jesus' reply to the question flips the focus back on the questioner. Jesus is asking, "Are you seeking my way of life or prestigious status?" Those who seek rank will find it, and find it shallow. Those who follow Jesus down his road and through his gate will find that they are the least made first, the lowly who will shine with God's own glory.

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

Nineteenth Sunday of the Year

Jesus shows us a world where our lives intersect with others: away from self-focus, self-centredness and self-concern, to relationship, to community. Problems can arise when our worlds intersect. But we also get in touch with who we are. When we allow another person into our lives we allow in the God who calls us to forget self, to leave narrowness, to come alive and be in touch with our hearts. Are we allowed a sheltered world, or is there room in my heart for one more person? The world we live and love in is larger than the one we create. Many people do this by choice. They move out of their comfort zones to engage with people who are homeless, have been drug and alcohol affected, are living with HIV/AID’s, or people out of prison needing to assured they can start again.

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

Eighteenth Sunday of the Year

Television commercials, billboards, and the internet suggest we do not have enough and incomplete. We will be complete and happy if we purchase their products. They also assure us that if we buy the products they advertise that we will be complete. Our culture often equates consumption with satisfaction; possessions with happiness and personal worth; and material wealth with the good life.

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