Urgent: A fair and effective carbon pollution reduction scheme

2009 - Volume 12 Number 1

Good law must be based on good principles that are widely and clearly understood. 

Australia must act now because the world must act now. Global agreement on meaningful targets is absolutely crucial and that also means participation in global cap and trade schemes. To participate in the negotiations and the global mechanisms, Australia must have its own cap and trade scheme.


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Women and Peacemaking

2008 - Volume 11 Number 9

It is only recently that the international community has begun to recognise that women, as survivors of violent conflict, also bear the burden of reconstruction in the transition period. They are largely unseen and unacknowledged, instigators of peace. In the Pacific region, women have had a vital role in peacemaking although they have rarely been consulted or included in formal peace talks. Feminist voices for peace are needed if women in every culture who struggle for liberation and social justice are to be supported.


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Aboriginal Culture and Health

2008 - Volume 11 Number 8

When we reflect on indicators of health on our planet – global warming, wealth distribution, social unrest, war – very few would think of Dreamtime stories.

But perhaps we are wise to recall that how we understand our place in the cosmos actually does have a material effect on the will to keep breathing, keep doing, and surviving.

The land is fundamental for healthy individual, family, clan group, society, community and nation. The land governs Aboriginal law and life. And it is from connection to country that Aboriginal identity and belonging derive.


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