Con Jobs: Why WorkChoices and Welfare to Work fail the vulnerable
2007 - Volume 10 Number 7
Recent changes to Australia’s industrial relations and welfare systems are carrying a very real human cost – and it is our most vulnerable citizens who are forced to pay the price.
Home Truths: The Housing Crisis in Australia
2007 - Volume 10 Number 6
Our homes offer shelter, a refuge from the world and a financial asset. Indeed access to safe and secure housing is a human right. However, in light of soaring housing prices and the cramped and competitive Australian housing market, home ownership is becoming a struggle, housing stress is on the rise, and the amount and quality of social housing available for vulnerable Australians is undermined.
Rights for Gay Australians
2007 - Volume 10 Number 5
Rights for all people, including those who are gay, are guaranteed in various United Nations human rights conventions. As the Universal Declaration states, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind” Discrimination against gays and lesbians can only serve to cause them and their families’ pain and suffering. It would be difficult to find a comparable group in society today for which we could justify such ill-treatment within general social situations; or legislated discrimination.