Climate Change and Conflict
2008 - Volume 11 Number 1
Climate change and war are intimately related. Future generations will ask us: “What did you do to diminish climate change by trying to stop the invasion of Iraq? What did you do to prevent the terrible effects of climate change such as rising sea levels, desertification, drought, cyclones and the collapse of vulnerable societies?” No longer can these be called ‘acts of God’. They must be called by their true name: ‘acts of people’. Working for peace is integral to overcoming climate change – and peace movements and environmental groups need to work together.
Private security companies - the fat cats of war
2007 - Volume 10 Number 9
The use of private military contractors needs to be re-evaluated, especially when used in armed roles. The reevaluation needs to determine what roles are appropriate for private companies and what is necessary in public service, especially armed roles within counterinsurgency and contingency operations. More and more roles are being outsourced which has consequences for the overall mission.
Human Trafficking in Australia
2007 - Volume 10 Number 8
Human trafficking is a complex crime that transcends national boundaries and impacts on many different countries, including Australia. The purpose of trafficking is sexual or labour based exploitation where the victim is usually deceived about the type and conditions of work they are being recruited for. Australia’s effort to tackle this crime has come from both the government and the community, however combating this phenomenon is no easy task – especially since there is widespread disagreement as to the types of conduct that amount to trafficking.