Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

Reflections for Fifth Sunday

Stephen Fry, in an interview, said, if he met God, would ‘call God an evil, capricious, monstrous maniac - a bastard for having invented cancer and insects that burrow into children’s eyes. Because God is the creator of everything and all-powerful, God should/could do something to change the situation’.  It also seems that this God is more aligned with those who are in power, abuse power, make war on the innocent and are judgemental rather than the God who is close to the broken-hearted (responsorial psalm). 

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

Reflections for Third Sunday

The first reading and today’s gospel call us to widen our horizons and reset our priorities. Jonah is called to widen his horizons about God and people and Mark’s Jesus invites us to set about participating in God’s Reign, resetting our priorities which lead to social transformation. Jonah has written off a whole group of people. We can do that when we hurt, divide, separate, scapegoat or ignore people. 

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

Reflections for Second Sunday

There is no set formula by which God calls us or speaks to us.  Nor are there any God-forsaken places or persons despite Nathaniel’s comments today. Whatever we do, God is always facing toward us.  There is hope for transformation in the most dire of situations and most despicable people. A boy, Samuel, in his pyjamas is called during a time of corruption and a leadership vacuum. He lived with the priest Eli whose eyesight grew dim suggesting blindness and lying down suggesting passivity.

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