Climate Change

Climate Change

Want to know the basics about what is climate change? This information sheet is for you.

Climate Change

Heritage of the Pacific Islands and Climate Change

Heritage of the Pacific Islands and Climate Change

Want to learn more about what is considered heritage in the Pacific Islands and how heritage might be affected by the impacts of climate change? This information sheet delves into the meaning and nature of heritage for Pacific Islanders and why access to Pacific Islander cultural and natural heritage is being threatened by climate impacts.

Heritage of the Pacific Islands and Climate Change

Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

Seventh Sunday of the Year

Last week Jesus contradicted a culture that values the rich and powerful. Jesus turns our thinking upside down. Today’s gospel is connected to that of last week. The realisation that Jesus’ teaching can turn our thinking upside down and is diametrically opposed to conventional cultural values should guide us in how we read contemporary news, and about world events, and respond. Everything is the opposite of what our culture claims! Pax Christi Australia will have completed (February 19) a conference on the theme <Where does Australia’s Security Lie?> in a world where 1.4 million people die each year due to violence and 2 billion live in countries mired in fragility and destructive conflict.

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