Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik
Third Sunday of Lent
Jesus keeps repeating a message of God’s nearness that opens the way to make a more humane world for all. The gospel is engaging us to find a spark of humanity within ourselves and others especially wherever there is despair and pain. Today, we are brought up against the fathomless problem of evil expressed in gender inequality, the invasion of Ukraine, the silence about Yemen, Syria and Palestine. We can be lost for words when tragedy strikes us – or near us. As words fall short, we are left in the immediate moment with silence, touch, and the reassurance of presence.
Read moreStatement by Fr. Claude Mostowik msc Calling for Peace in Ukraine
ERC's Fr. Claude Mostowik msc is National President of Pax Christie Australia. Here is his statement on the situation in Ukraine. Please distribute the statement far and wide. ERC strongly supports this statement.
Pax Christi Australia absolutely condemns the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, as we do the invasion of any country. We believe that war is always a defeat for humanity and breaks the connections we have with one another on this planet.
Read moreJustice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik
Second Sunday of Lent
Last Sunday, Jesus was tempted in the wilderness towards the spectacular, magical and the powerful. He revealed who he was and who he was for. Like the Transfiguration, it was an ‘uncovering’ or unveiling of Jesus, and of God’s reign which is already present and at work even if we, like the sleeping disciples, do not notice it.
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