Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik
First Sunday of Advent
It is strange to begin the new church year with images of sudden change and dramatic reversals. As Jesus participated in a disruptive march into Jerusalem with crowds waving palms and the ritual cleansing of the temple, he was warning that even things that seem permanent can disappear in an instance. Nothing withstands the ravages of time or upheavals in history - not power structures, environments, roles, grand structures and not even God’s temple. Change can appear like a disaster but can reveal how God draws near to us.
Read moreCOP26, Climate and the Pacific: the Cry of Earth, A Call to Action
In the run-up to the global climate summit "COP26" in November 2021, the world's top Christian leaders - Pope Francis, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians - have issued a joint appeal for delegates to "listen to the Cry of Earth" and make sacrifices to save the planet.
Read moreReport Launch on Refugee Employment Experience: Struggles, Strategies and Solutions
On Tuesday July 27, 2021 The Edmund Rice Centre (ERC) launched its new research report Refugee Employment Experience: Struggles, Strategies and Solutions via a virtual event. More than 100 people from diverse backgrounds attended the launch, including representatives of government departments, local councils, businesses, academics, community organisations, refugee community representatives, community and religious leaders, community development practitioners and refugee rights advocates.
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