Pacific Guest Worker Scheme AND Indigenous Employment - Not Either but Both!
“The Edmund Rice Centre welcomes the Australian Government’s announcement of its Pacific Guest Worker Scheme .” said ERC environment spokesperson, Jill Finnane.
Read moreSubmission to Review Board of the Northern Territory Emergency Response
The Edmund Rice Centre's Submission to the Review Board of the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER): Time for a New Approach: Consultation and Non-Discrimination the Key. Policy should be based on good empirical evidence measured with well-known and agreed criteria. Thus far, there is a lack of both ood empirical evidence and good criteria in this context.
Submission to the inquiry into immigration detention in Australia
The Edmund Rice Centre made a submission to the Federal Parliament's Inquiry into Immigration Detention. The Inquiry which was called in June by Senator Evans, the Minster for Immigration is being conducted by Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Migration. In its submission the Edmund Rice Centre (ERC) argues that mandatory detention should be dropped immediately, presenting evidence of how it is in breach of Australia's legal commitments under the 1951 Convention relating to the status of refugees.