Reflections for 28th Sunday October 13, 2019

In Mark’s gospel, Jesus is in a hurry. In John, he seems to be in control.  In Matthew’s gospel, he does parables. In Luke, Jesus is forever crossing borders and finds himself in liminal places – always on the threshold having gone beyond the first step but not yet at the next one, and in the middle of things. Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem to meet his fate. He is ‘between Samaria and Galilee’ where there is nothing. It is a fancy way of saying that Jesus is at the border. And it is in this space that Jesus meets people. Jesus seems to be all about crossing boundaries, both physical and theoretical and will cross another to heal these men as we will see.

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Media Statement: Interfaith Service on Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Media Statement – 10 October 2019
Interfaith Service on Asylum Seekers and Refugees

A group of NSW justice and peace organisations today continued their campaign to bring the Tamil family currently being held on Christmas Island back to the Australian mainland. 

To encourage the Government to bring the family back to a community setting while the court process continues, the NSW Ecumenical Council and the Pitt Street Uniting Church, Sydney, are hosting an Interfaith Service on Asylum Seekers and Refugees.  The Service will be held at the Pitt Street Uniting Church in central Sydney on Thursday afternoon, 10 October 2019, 5.15-7.30pm. Click here to download the event flyer.

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Edmund Rice Centre Staff and Volunteers Participated in Global Climate Strike

The sun came out in Sydney for today's #climatestrike. The Domain was full and we estimate the crowd was at least 70,000-strong. We know that this number will keep growing. Thank you to all the children and young people at School Strike 4 Climate for your courage, passion and determination. We're right behind you. Pacific Climate Watch Edmund Rice Centre

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