Democratic Republic of Congo - Out of Sight, Out of Mind

2008 - Volume 11 Number 4

The world’s media has been saturated with coverage of warfare in recent years, yet the deadliest conflict since the Second World War has gone virtually unreported by the press.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has endured a loss of life on the scale of September 11 every two days since 1998. This war, and the silence that surrounds it, has been sustained by the vested interests of nations and corporations hungry to make a profit.


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Sri Lanka - Paradise Lost?

2008 - Volume 11 Number 3

Since independence in 1948, Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) has been the site of escalating violence between the majority Sinhalese community and minority Tamils. The current ethnic conflict has deep historical, racio-religious, geo-political and economic roots intermingled with local power politics.


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Buddhism and Human Rights

2008 - Volume 11 Number 2

Buddhism is an ancient belief system which focuses on personal spiritual development and the pursuit of harmony, wisdom and compassion. The importance of showing concern for others and living a morally responsible life lie at the heart of Buddhist teachings. While the Buddhist faith is thriving in Australia, this peaceful religion and its homeland of Tibet are threatened by Chinese Government repression and control.


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