Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

26th Sunday of the Year

Migrant and Refugee Sunday

‘I want to tell you right away how much

the Church esteems and loves you,

and how much she wishes to assist you

in your spiritual and material needs.’

Pope John Paul II, Alice Springs 1986 to the Aboriginal people of Australia.

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Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude Mostowik

25th Sunday of the Year

In Jesus first followers, we find the trappings of ego and greed. The familiar scene where they argue over seeking places of power reminds us that the desire to be elevated, to be the best, to be more than others, is very real. Deep wisdom forces a reality-check that there is within us a tendency to quickly turn a simple disagreement into dissolved relationships. This is where the love that Christ embodies is most tested, and most needed. James tries to help the community to be centred on Jesus and his teachings when it finds itself at odds. 

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees Education Resources June 2020

The Edmund Rice Centre's free publication Asylum Seekers and Refugees Education Resource June 2020 Edition provides activities for students which are practical, engaging and focused on increasing awareness about human rights and advocacy.

Students are encouraged to think about asylum seekers and refugees with compassion, to move their understanding from the head to the heart.

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