The number of refugees being held at the Nauru detention centre has increased sixfold in six months and unfortunately, with both sides of politics committed to "offshore processing", the only way to ensure that people are not left to suffer there for years is to urgently improve claim processing times.

Justice Reflections From Fr. Claude

Seventeenth Sunday of the Year

Today’s psalm sets the tone for all the readings: ‘You open wide your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.’ It reflects God’s presence, justice, abundance, and generosity. It is a gesture of welcome and sharing in contrast to the closed hands that reflect individualism, negligence, and violence. There are six versions of the gospel story. Despite variations, each version contains the story of a community sharing resources and the centrality of resource sharing in the early Jesus movement. John’s emphasis is on a young child who shares what s/he had, which Jesus blessed and where there was enough for all.

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Edmund Rice Centre Submission to Joint Standing Committee Pacific Inquiry

The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, through the Foreign Affairs and Aid Subcommittee (the Committee), has commenced an inquiry into Australia’s response to the priorities of Pacific Island countries and the Pacific region. Click here to download our submission to this inquiry. The Committee is scheduled to report back on the inquiry on 29 November 2024.

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